Approaching the Throne

Approaching the Throne

Coming into the presence of the all-powerful, all-knowing, just and holy God induces fear, trembling, and falling prostrate as if dead. Incredibly, this majestic and mighty God is your Father, and you are His beloved child.

Since that's who you are,
you can boldly approach Him.
You can be your authentic self.
You can stand in His presence or climb up into His lap.
You can tell Him everything that concerns you.

He cares.
He knows.
He wants to hear your voice.
He rejoices over you.
His heart is tender toward you.

Hebrews 4:16 “Therefore, let us approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in time of need.” (CSB)

Boldly approach the Throne of Grace.

Run to Papa.


Follow your Heart


Having it All