Superhero Complex

Superhero Complex

We cannot expect people in the world to live godly lifestyles. Neither can we expect world governments to be run according to the laws of The Kingdom.

For far too long many of God’s people have been distracted by their attempt to right wrongs and fight against evil.
For far too long many have sought to enforce morality through coercion or legislation.

It is time the Church got over it. It is time we turned our attention to sharing the good news of Jesus Christ and loving others as we have been loved.

Romans 1:18-32 (KJV) shows the state in which the enemy holds those who remain in bondage. This information is heartbreaking. It is a primary reason why we are called to love others. As we will see, these people need help. They need love. They need to know Jesus. They need to know God.

You can read the whole passage for yourself. I will excerpt a few things for comment here.

To begin with, there is sometimes confusion over the wrath of God. We in so-called grace circles tend to focus on Father’s love. It is right and good that we should do so. He is love, and He loves every single individual ever created. We do not like to think much about the wrath of God, but it is important.

Romans 1:18 says that “the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness.”

John makes the same statement in 3:36 where he wrote, “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.”

This is the state of everyone around us who does not have the Spirit. It is heartbreaking, but true.

Paul goes on to talk about all the ways God made it possible for them to know Him, and how they continued to resist and reject Him. He says things like this:

“When they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.”

For all the reasons he lays out, Paul goes on to say that,
“God also gave them up to uncleanness.”
“God gave them up unto vile affections.”
“God gave them over to a reprobate mind.”

The word translated “gave them over” is paradidomai. God turned them over to what they had chosen. He does not force Himself on anyone.

This terrible state in which the world exists is bondage to the enemy. It is a delusion sent from the accuser. It makes people true slaves. They have no choice but to walk according to the flesh, so they cannot extricate themselves from this awful bondage.

This is why we all seek to manifest Jesus everywhere we go.
This is why we want to bear spiritual fruit.
This is why we preach the Gospel, why we tell people about the One we love.

But we know that we are each powerless to do these things effectively.

This is why we walk be faith, trusting Jesus to do the work in and through us.


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