Truly Appreciating Grace

Truly Appreciating Grace

Colossians 1:5b–6 (CSB) “You have already heard about this hope in the word of truth, the gospel that has come to you. It is bearing fruit and growing all over the world, just as it has among you since the day you heard it and came to truly appreciate God’s grace.”

Our hope is in the Lord. Our hope is inheritance of eternal life. This is not the kind of hope that’s like a wish. It’s not like hoping there will be someone we know at the party we’re about to attend. This hope is more of an eager expectation. We are hopeful in this life because we know that what’s best lies ahead.

Paul told the Colossian saints that the hope to which he was referring was contained in the word of truth they had heard—the gospel. Later in this letter he says that Christ in the saints is the hope of glory. Our hope is in the Lord who is in us.

I love how Paul helps us understand the magnificence and immensity grace of God. Notice what he says here. This hope, this word of truth, this glorious gospel, is bearing fruit all over the world. More than that, it had been bearing fruit in the saints since the day they heard it and came to truly appreciate God’s grace.

This applies to us, saint! The hope that is within us, the good news that Jesus in us results in eternal life has been bearing fruit since the day we heard it and came to truly appreciate God’s Grace.

Some say that we who believe that the grace of God is so superabounding that it completely replaces the need for the rules, rites, and rituals of religion are too far out on a limb. They say that we are forgetting God’s holiness, His, justness, or His wrath, or we are forgetting that He hates sin.

But here’s the thing. When a person comes to truly appreciate the grace of God, great freedom is enjoyed. In John 8:32 (CSB) Jesus said, “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” And “if the Son sets you free, you really will be free.” John 8:36 (CSB)

Being free does not minimize the holiness of God. On the contrary. Precisely because God is holy, just, and hates sin, we find ourselves in need of His grace. If He were to give us what we deserve none of us would exist. He is merciful is not giving us what we deserve and instead allowing us time to see our need of His grace.

Father is gracious in giving us the thing we least deserve—the righteousness without which eternal life is impossible.

It is when we come to truly appreciate the grace of God that we worship and honor Him in spirit and in truth.


Fruit & Wisdom


Faith, Hope, Love