Living in Perilous Times

Living in Perilous Times

There are wars and rumors of wars.
There are riots in the streets.
There are illnesses and dangers.
There are many calling good evil, and evil good.

We can vote, and speak out, and petition our representatives, and all of these things are good.

But there is only One who can change the world.

In these perilous and trying times, we who have the Spirit do well to heed the exhortation of Paul. He strongly encourages us to offer requests, prayers, intercession, and even thanksgiving for all people. He entreats us to include especially, kings (or presidents, or prime ministers, and so on) and everyone in authority (this might include people from lawmakers and judges to law enforcers, teachers, and health-care workers, for example).

The reason he gives, and the goal of such prayer, is one that I think resonates with the Spirit we bear. He says it is so that we can lead a quiet and peaceful life in godliness and truth.

This is good in God's view.
This is acceptable to Him.
(See 1 Timothy 2:1-3)

That's the way of grace. Complete trust in He who was, and is, and is to come.


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