Jesus the Bread of Life

Jesus the Bread of Life

Exodus 16 tells the story of manna--bread from heaven. Manna is the shadow, type, or example. Jesus (grace) is the reality.

Notice these things:

In verse 4, God says He will rain down bread from heaven.

Jesus called Himself the true bread from heaven. (see John 6:32-35, 48 & 51)

The people are told in verses 4 and 16 to gather as much as they need for that day. Verse 18 says that everyone had exactly what they needed.

Jesus told Paul, "My grace (freely given sustenance) is sufficient for you."

On the sixth day they gathered twice as much. This was because Sabbath was coming and they would not work for sustenance on the Sabbath.

Jesus has provided us with Sabbath rest by His finished work at the cross. We now live in His grace and do not need to work to sustain our life in Him.

Verse 35 tells us that the Israelites ate manna until they reached the promised land.

Likewise, we are sustained by God in this life by grace. One day we will be like Him because we will see Him as He is.

That's our promised land where our faith will be made sight. We will live in the full reality of Life.


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