Following your Heart

Following your Heart

It is Father who works in us both to desire (heart) and to do (resulting behavior) godly things. Our new heart wants what Father wants. Holy Spirit in us is making sure of that.

Following our heart is often natural and comfortable. Simply doing the things for which we have talent or skill. Some can speak or write well, others can sing or create beautiful works of art, some may have special skills or knowledge. Whatever it is, we can be ourselves and rest knowing that Father is working in and through it.

Following our heart can also feel risky. We may find ourselves daring to respond in compassion and love. Daring to be transparent rather than hiding our struggles. Daring to risk personal embarrassment or discomfort to do things that benefit others. Daring to focus on others rather than ourselves.

I can say with full confidence born of experience that such things feel risky, and we will not always choose to take those risks. I can also say that when we do, others are blessed, Father is glorified, and spiritual growth and maturity result.


Thoughts on Prayer and Healing


Love and Obey