A Breath of Fresh Air

A Breath of Fresh Air

According to Romans 7:4 you are dead to the Law because of the fully satisfying sacrifice Jesus made by laying down His life for you.

He did this so that you could be free to be married to Him rather than being married to rules, commands, ordinances, and regulations of performance.

The whole idea of performance-based righteousness can only bear fruit that leads to death. You need only to look at the world around you to see that. (Romans 7:5)

He laid down His life to make it possible for you to bear spiritual fruit.

So, you've been delivered from your abusive relationship to the law of performance-based righteousness.

That law no longer applies to you because you died and the life you now live in the flesh, you live by faith in Jesus Christ, the God who loved you. (Galatians 2:20)

The great news is that you no longer have to slavishly obey the oldness of dotting i's and crossing t's.

Instead, you are now free to live and serve in the newness of the spirit. (Romans 7:6)

It's a breath of fresh air that never ends!


Faith Walkers


A Little Bit of Jesus from Hebrews 1