Forgetful Me

Forgetful Me

Forgetful me forgets the unforgettable. The destruction of old me, the recreation of new me, the transfer of my forgetful self from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of light. I forget that ungodly attitudes and actions unsettle me because I’m a child of the King. I forget that the turmoil of this death-shadowed world is temporary, but I have been made eternal.

But Holy Spirit is in forgetful me, and He does not sit idly by as I go through this valley in the shadow of death. He is the comforter and the counselor and the companion who walks this life with me. He guides me inexorably back into the memory of truth.

He reminds me that I am no longer dead to God as I once was. He speaks and I remember that old me is gone and new me has come. He calls to mind that I am in the light just as He is in the light.

I remember that light is my Kingdom now and darkness cannot overcome light. I remember that He who is in me is greater than he who is in the world. The One in whom I live and move and have my very existence is infinite, perfect, without flaw.

I remember that my lovely Lord Jesus gave me His righteousness. I recall that He is working in me, causing me to know Him more intimately and that makes me want to be more like Him in my attitudes and actions, in my very character.

He tells me in His wonderful letter to me that I need not worry even about the attitudes and actions because He is teaching me to deny ungodly things. He is showing me that they no longer fit me, that they are destructive, unhealthy, and unprofitable.

Instead, He instructs me in the ways of uprightness and godliness, which He prepared for me from long before I was.

He loves me and is always leading me toward what is best for me.
He loves me, and that can never be diminished in the minutest degree.
I am who He says I am, and He calls me His child.
I feel a freshness wash over me.

Jesus loves me, this I know.


Studies in Ephesians #1


Works Burning Up