Spiritual Growth

As Father would have it, it's not up to us to grow. Certainly we are to take His advice and consciously set our minds on things above, think on true and lovely things, and so on. But many of the improvements we seek come only as a result of our growth over time. 

It's like a child learning to walk, read, or ride a bike. Lots of errors and falls, but with time, growth, and encouragement, ultimately things improve. 

We are not all the best at reading, bike riding, or public speaking. Some of us never learn to play the piano, paint beautiful pictures, or cook delicious foods. Each of us grows in our own unique way with our own unique talents, skills, and personality traits. 

So it is with our growth in grace and the knowledge of the Lord. As the young son of one of my local pastor friends recently said when it was pointed out how much he had grown, “I can’t help my growth.”

He could not make it happen, and he could not prevent it. So it is with us. We can’t help our spiritual growth.

Father will complete the good work He has begun in us until the day of redemption.


The Nature of Sin


True Love