You’ve Moved

You've moved.


Sometimes the fact that you live in this fallen world may tempt you to question it, but rest assured; you've moved.

Through Jesus, God has rescued you from the domain of darkness.

Make no mistake, this world is the kingdom that belongs to the accuser, that old enemy of yours. The god of this world is dark.

The great I Am, however, is light. There is no darkness in Him whatsoever.

He rescued you from the kingdom of darkness and He transferred you to the kingdom of Jesus Christ.

That's where your citizenship is. It's your new abode, your new home. It's where you live. Not someday, right now.

This knowledge allows you to live in peace despite all the darkness you can see.


Don't walk by sight. Walk by faith. You're the King's kid!


Thoughts on Thankfulness


You Have Been Raised with Christ