Knowing You are Free

Knowing You Are Free


It is only our mental patterns and habits of thinking that cause us to think we’re not free. The enemy capitalizes on this and makes sure that everything in the world reenforces fleshly thinking.

Freedom from the power of sin does not mean that we immediately stop sinning. It means that sin no longer owns us because of the Law that says "the wages of sin is death." We are dead to sin and since we are dead to it, that law no longer applies to us.

Instead, "the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set us free from the law of sin and death." Father is not counting our sins against us, and He chooses not to remember them.

Since this is so, we are free to relax and pay attention to the Spirit. We are free to think on good things we are free to set sour mind (affections KJV) on things above, not on things on the earth. We are free to learn who God really is and what He's really like.

As we spend more of our time and thought life on these things, we find habitual and recurring sins fading away and we grow in the confidence that we are truly free.


Correction and Discipline


How to Walk Worthy of the Lord