He Dwells in You

He Dwells in You

Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.

Listen to who Colossians 1:15-20 says is in you.

The One who is the image of the invisible God.
The One who created all things.
The One for whom all things were created.
The One who is before all things.
The One in whom all things hold together.
The One who is head of the Church, which is His body.
The One who is the beginning, and the firstborn from the dead.
The One who has supremacy in everything.
The One in whom all the fullness of God lives bodily.
The One through whom God reconciled all things in heaven and on earth to Himself.
The One who made peace through His blood shed on the cross.

This is the One who lives in you, saint of God. You're never alone. Where you go, He goes.

Think about the power you're carrying around.

Think about the perfection that dwells within you.

You contain, and are one spirit with, The One who is Love, Life, and Light.


Security and Comfort in Christ


Secure in Love