Is it Okay to Celebrate Christmas and Buy from Amazon?

When there is a big holiday this and similar questions seem to arise. Whether it’s the origin of Halloween, calling the celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus “Easter” or the assertion that certain Christmas traditions have roots in Pagan celebrations, some want to know if a true Christian can morally participate in such holidays.

Nor is it limited to holidays. The question also rises with regard to buying things from or in some way contributing to companies or organizations that fund, donate to, or otherwise benefit ungodly causes such as abortion.

We who are in Christ live in, and are ambassadors to, a world controlled by the enemy. In this regard we are no different from Jesus or the Apostles.

If one actually does enough research one will discover that it is impossible to live here without in some way (whether direct or indirect) providing support to ungodly things.

We need not worry about this. I see no evidence that Jesus was worried about it either. He told those who asked Him about paying taxes that they should give to Caesar what was Caesar’s. (see Mark 12:14-17) Paying those taxes would directly benefit the oppressive Roman regime that controlled God's chosen people, the Hebrews.

We find no mention of any prohibition against celebrating holy days (holidays) in the New Testament. Paul makes what may be the most direct statement on the subject. In Col 2:16-17 NASB20 he wrote, “Therefore, no one is to act as your judge in regard to food and drink, or in respect to a festival or a new moon, or a Sabbath day—things which are only a shadow of what is to come; but the substance belongs to Christ.”

He is saying that celebrating holidays is not a requirement for those who are in Christ. He is also saying that refraining from such celebrations is not a requirement. It’s up to you and your own conscience.

So you don't need to worry about the origins of Christmas or Easter, or Halloween. You don't concern yourself with where every penny you spend might end up. Father knows everything that is going on, so just focus on walking in dependence on Him and giving an answer for the hope that is within you to those who ask.

If you are more comfortable not observing particular holidays, feel free to skip them, or celebrate in a different way. If you feel better when you are careful about where your money might end up, by all means do the research before you spend.

Just know that you are free and none of this is going to damage your relationship with God.

Grace and peace to you.


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