Thoughts on Quenching the Spirit

Thoughts on Quenching the Spirit

No one who is in Christ wants to quench the Spirit, yet we all do from time to time. Sometimes we may squelch Him often and for long periods. We may yield to Him in some things and not others. We are all maturing into the fullness of who we are in Christ.

Quenching the Spirit happens whenever we walk by sight. When we decide to act and react in fleshly earthy ways and from lack rather than from the abundant supply we have in Christ. When we miss His queues and prompting, or when we ignore them.

The wonderful thing Is that Father is so very much bigger than all of that. None of it thwarts His plans, none of it irretrievably damages His purposes. He makes beauty from ashes. He makes people from dust (which He made from nothing by the breath of His voice) and He makes good from even our failures, stumbles, and ineptness.

Let’s train ourselves to notice those thoughts that urge us toward godliness in our attitudes and actions.
Let’s act graciously when we feel like handing out earthy justice through fleshly behavior.
Let’s yield to His love pushing to be expressed when we feel like tongue lashing.
Let’s listen for Him at the decision points in our days.
Let’s endeavor to defer to His direction.

Because we have value, acceptance, and security, from Christ, we can well afford such things.


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