Daily Reminders

Daily Reminders

As we read post after post and hear sermon after sermon about the Gospel, we may notice that we are just hearing the same thing over and over.

That's true (and it's not a bad thing) because the Gospel is simple. (2 Corinthians 11:3 and 1 Corinthians 2:1-2)

The way our minds work causes us to think about whatever we are exposed to. Our thoughts reflect what's going on around us. Our thoughts are driven by the input we're getting.

Consequently, we need to be reminded of the truth constantly. In this way, we control the input our minds receive, and our thoughts fall in lockstep.

Therefore, we are told to think on good, pure, and praiseworthy things.

It's a subject that Peter spends some time on in his second letter. Read 2 Peter 1:9, and 1:12-15 along with the surrounding verses. Peter makes it very clear that being reminded is so important that he's going to write the Truth down so we will remember it after he's gone.

Remind yourself often!


Spiritual Discipline


Righteousness as a Gift