Put Off Put On

Put Off Put On

"Put off" and "put on" are recurring themes in Paul's letters.

He routinely encourages us to do things that are fitting, to take off ill-fitting attitudes and actions and put on things that fit our new nature, our status as righteous children of God.

It's a great way to communicate about behavior because it removes the temptation to think that our behavior should be motivated by a desire to be better people, to be better Christians. Instead, it grounds our behavior in our identity.

We don't do to be, or to become. We do because of who we are.

The image brought to mind by "put off" and "put on" is one of clothing. Ill-fitting clothing is uncomfortable or unwieldy and it doesn't look very good.

Clothing that fits well doesn't bind us, or hang off us, and it looks good. It feels good and it's a joy to wear.

So it is with walking in the Spirit and behaving the way the grace of God teaches us to behave--denying ungodliness and fleshly desires and living self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in this world.

That's the way of grace. Life in the Spirit fits us. It feels good, and it looks good.


Armor that Fits


The Joy Set Before Him