Dead to Sin

Dead to Sin

You have died to sin.

Sin is no longer your master.

You are now a child of God. He has given you a new heart and a new spirit, so you are not who you used to be.

Sin used to fit you. That's why old you could do it and not really feel badly.

Now you feel terrible about it. That proves you are a new person and you really want what God wants.

The flesh is the worldly way of responding to and making decisions about things using your senses.

The enemy loves to lie to you and tell you that you have to live by what you can see, touch, and reason out in your mind. The Bible calls that walking by sight, or walking according to the flesh.

But that's not who you are at the core anymore. Now you are righteous, loving, and holy.

Sinning is beneath you now. It no longer fits. It is uncharacteristic of you.

Knowing this, you can correct the bad thinking that comes from the enemy's lies and walk by faith. You can walk according to the Spirit. Godliness now characterizes you.

That's the way of grace. The enemy lies, but truth is his Kryptonite.


Struggling with Sin


God is not the Author of Calamity