Armor Up!

Armor Up!

The enemy is a liar.

He has been lying right from the beginning and the truth is not in him.

When he lies, he is speaking his native tongue because he is a liar and he is the father of lies.

(see John 8:44)

When you're feeling inadequate,

When you're feeling like a failure,

When you snapped at your spouse or your kids three times before 9am,

When you fell off the wagon--again,

When you were rude just because you were stressed.

In those moments when you're feeling "less than," pause for a moment and recognize that the enemy is lying to you.

Counter his lies with the truth.

The truth is what Father says about you.

The truth is Jesus in you.

Everything hangs on truth. With truth buckled firmly around your waist, you can remember who you are in Christ.

You are righteous. It's your breastplate; protecting your heart.

You know the Gospel of peace, and that makes you ready for this onslaught. That readiness is like shoes on your feet, so you can run to Father right away.

You have faith in God. Faith that He is who He says He is. Faith that He is trustworthy. That faith is like a shield to you and it extinguishers the fiery darts of untruth that the enemy flings at you.

Salvation is yours. You know this. You are a child of the Living God, so loved by Him that you run in, pop into His lap, and call Him Papa. Knowing that you are safe and secure in Him is like a helmet on your head. Your mind is protected so that you can ignore what the enemy is telling you.

You know the word of God. You have an innate love and desire for it, and you think on it often, without even intending to. There's a reason for that. The word of God is like a sword.

Father's word is filled with truth--and here's the good news: The word of God cuts the legs from under the enemy because truth is his Kryptonite.

So armor up, Saint. Your big brother Jesus has already defeated that old snake.


Worship by Walking Around


Armor that Fits