Being Transformed

Being Transformed

You are being transformed into the image of God.

Make no mistake, who you are isn't changing. That's settled, you righteous, blameless, holy child of God, you.

Still, you're being transformed. More and more, you walk according to the Spirit.

Father knew this would happen, (because He would see to it) and He promised that you would be conformed to the image of His Son, your big brother, Jesus. This happens as you see the glory of the Lord more fully. Interestingly, in 2 Corinthians 3:18, we are told that we see the glory of the Lord "as in a mirror."

Mirrors reflect our faces, they reflect us.

A few verses earlier, Paul talks about the face of Moses glowing with glory. This is key to understanding the mirror statement. As God works change in us, it's displayed outwardly. You've probably noticed this in yourself in the form of changes you have observed. Changes you may not have realized were happening until one day they were there.

Maybe you no longer want to judge others.
Maybe you no longer struggle with an addiction.
Maybe you forgave someone you thought you never could.
Maybe bitterness or hatred ceased to bind you.

I don't know what it is for you.

This is real change.
This is the glory of the Lord in you.

From the glory of the fresh new creation to the glory of one who has grown to look just like Daddy.


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