Godly Behavior

Godly Behavior

You do not produce fruit. Holy Spirit does that. That's why it's called the fruit of the Spirit and not the fruit of <Your Name Here>.

Scripture teaches that we are to strive to enter His rest. That means that we cease from every effort designed to make us more acceptable to God.

Sure, when we are at decision points, we are best advised to choose godly actions and reactions. That's what love does.

It’s what you want to do.

It's what I want to do.

But it's not what makes Father bless us or love us more.

There is an inner voice, the Spirit of God, who prompts us to choose godly responses. We often miss that because we are wrapped up in the events of the moment and failing to realize that we have a choice about how we will act.

So, yes. Choose to behave in godly ways every time you can see that you have a choice. Listen for Holy Spirit and choose to act and react as He is counseling you.

But never confuse your failure for a change in your identity. Your status as a holy blameless child of God is never in jeopardy. Never think that your behavior causes God to withhold blessing or send curses. That's not the way the new covenant works. You are not under law, but under grace.

God was in Christ reconciling you to Christ and not counting your sins against you. When you do things that do not reflect Christ in you, turn away from them as soon as you notice them. Revert to acting like the person Father has made you in Christ. You are a new creation in Him, and you have been given His righteousness as a gift. Fleshly attitudes and actions are beneath you. They don’t fit you.

Yield to Holy Spirit’s prompting at the decision points you face. Let Him speak love and peace through you. Allow His fragrant aroma to waft from you like expensive perfume.


You are Free


Jesus Said This About You