Difficulty Praying

Difficulty Praying

Many Christians find it difficult to pray. They may read scripture and attend church regularly, yet prayer eludes them. Some chalk it up to a lack of discipline.

I suspect they may be too disciplined.

Here's what I mean. With regard to prayer, I was once concerned about doing it right, doing it enough, looking right to others, not letting anyone down. It turned out that paying attention to any of that was a way of feeling good about myself because of my behavior and performance.

What, how, and even if we pray has no bearing whatsoever on our relationship with Father.

My advice for those who struggle with this is to give up on worrying about praying. If necessary, take some time off and don't feel badly about it. Father is at work in us, and we can trust Him to continue. When the time is right, prayer will find its way back into the mix.

Scripture tells us to pray without ceasing. What many of us fail to see is that every moment our thoughts and attention are on God, on loving others, on walking in dependance on Him---all of that is prayer. Every thought directed toward God is a conversation with Him. The more this happens, the better you come to know Him. The better you come to know Him, the more you’ll find yourself talking with Him.

Rest, my prayer challenged friend. Father is revealing more of His grace to you.


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