Covenant Overview

Covenant Overview

In Genesis God related to people based on faith. That’s why we read things like “Abraham believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness.” God made a Covenant with Abraham in which He promised an inheritance to Abraham’s children. The Covenant was ratified (put into effect) by blood. It was a unilateral covenant. Abraham had no duties under this Covenant. Keeping the covenant was God’s duty alone.

Eventually, the Israelites decided it would be easier for them if they could have some rules to follow. So, Father entered into a new relationship with them. He did this by giving them the Law. The Covenant of the Law was ratified in blood. This was a bilateral covenant. Under this Covenant the Israelites had duties. Their duty was to obey all 613 rules and ordinances of the Law. If they didn’t, there was judgement. God’s duty was to bless the Israelites if they kept the covenant.

Finally, Jesus the promised Lamb of God came. Because no one could keep the covenant of the Law and because the Gentiles were excluded entirely, Jesus instituted a New Covenant. This Covenant was ratified in His blood. The terms of this Covenant are very much like the Covenant He made with Abraham. It is a unilateral Covenant under which only God has duties.

This is the current covenant between God and humanity.
Under this covenant, to obtain the blessing of eternal life, you must do NOTHING.
Under this covenant, to remain in Christ, you must do NOTHING.
Under this covenant, to remain acceptable to God, you must do NOTHING.
Under this covenant, to remain in fellowship with God, you must do NOTHING.


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