Father Said There’d be Days Like This

Father knew there would be days like these. In His inimitable style He had someone prepare some helpful guidance far in advance.


Paul spent some time talking about a few things we can do to help us access the peace that Jesus has given us.


In Philippians chapter 4 he encourages us to:

Rejoice in the Lord,

Let others see our Gentleness,

Talk with Father about our concerns,

Be thankful.


He helps us see that what we think about is important. He lists things such as:


The virtue in nobility, or honesty,

whatever is inherently right,

Things that are lovely,

Things you admire and find excellent.


Such things settle our minds.

They take the focus off the turmoil and unrest in the world.

They put our minds on Christ, on all the amazing things He has done, and on who He has made us.

They remind us that we are citizens of His kingdom and not of this world.


In this we find peace and rest. In Him we are secure and far above the fray.


Studies in Acts No.1 - Immersed in Him


Who’s Your Daddy?