Instruments of Righteousness

Instruments of Righteousness

Romans 6:13 urges us, “do not go on presenting the parts of your body to sin as instruments of unrighteousness; but present yourselves to God as those who are alive from the dead, and your body’s parts as instruments of righteousness for God.” (NASB 2020)

Maybe you can identify with me in this.

Sometimes I move too quickly out of deep desire. I used to enter new churches with an agenda. My aim was to be an elder or to preach from their pulpit. Father shut me down for a couple of decades until I learned the humility of coming to a church with the sole aim of sitting in a pew and learning from someone else. He taught me that it is better to rest in the knowledge that Father knows my talents and skills and will open doors at the right time. Now I pastor that church, and it wasn't because that's what I wanted. It was because they practically forced me to.

For some, it may not be preaching or being an elder. Maybe it’s being on the “worship team.” Worship teams are up front like pastors, so a lot of people want to be part of that. That's why they often have so many on the team that they can't fit one more.

Here’s what I have found. It’s better to bide your time. Quietly love on people. Preach, teach, sing, or do whatever is your particular desire and passion in various settings when you have the chance. Just remain humbly be available when (and if) Father makes an opening that you can fill.

What if He never does? Well, that does not diminish you at all. He knows your talents, skills, and passions better than anyone.

We are all his instruments. I’m not particularly musical, so I see myself more as an implement, a tool. No one plays each of their instruments all the time, No one uses every tool they have for every situation either. Father is no different. I was hung on the wall of the tool shed for decades before I was picked up and asked to perform what I was made to do.

Rest, dear one. Father knows you and He hasn’t forgotten about you.


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