Hearing God

We all want to hear God. We want to know when He speaks and we want to be sure that He's there and talking to us.

In John 10:2-5 Jesus said that His sheep (that's us) would know His voice. He calls us by name--what He says is to each of us directly. He goes ahead of us and we follow Him. He goes on to say that we won't follow a stranger, but run away from strangers instead.

This is some seriously comforting stuff!

But if we're not sure we are hearing Him, we may still feel trepidation about decisions we face or desires we feel.

First Kings 19:11-13 talks about Elijah's experience with this.

You might know the story: the Lord prompted Elijah to stand on a mountain and listen for Him.

There was a strong wind,
But God was not in the wind.

There was an earthquake,
But God was not in the earthquake.

There was a fire,
But God was not in the fire.

Finally, there was a still small voice.

That's the voice of God!

He speaks to your heart in ways that you can understand, but He's not loud, imposing, and frightening.

His voice is quiet, even more quiet than your "indoor voice". It's more of an "in you" voice.

An inner prompting.
A sense of desire.
A quiet knowledge of what's right and true.
A sense of inner peace.

Trust that He is speaking to you personally in this way. Soon you'll know it really is His voice.


The Valley of the Shadow of Death


Introduction to 1 Corinthians